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Famous People with Disabilities

Dan Aykroyd is known for his roles in such movies as The Blues Brothers and Ghostbusters. He was also on “Saturday Night Live” for a number of years. Mr. Aykroyd has what is now know as Asperger’s Syndrome, a type of autism. He also has Tourette’s Syndrome.




Leonardo Dicaprio is known for his roles in movies such as The Titanic and Gangs of New York. Mr. Dicaprio has Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and says he has to force himself to stop going through every doorway several times, or from stepping on every piece of chewing gum on the ground.





Albert Einstein is considered one of the greatest minds of our time, known for his work in physics. Mr. Einstein, although he died in 1955, is now believed to have Asperger’s Syndrome, a type of autism. He also was known to be dyslexic.




Franklin D. Roosevelt is considered one of the greatest presidents in the history of the United States, bringing the country out of the Great Depression and leading us through Word War II. President Roosevelt had polio as a child and used a wheelchair throughout his life for mobility.

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