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Classical Music Month!

September is Classical Music Month! I was brought up to value and appreciate classical music, so I thought I would write about it since this is the month set aside to learn more about it. The classical music idea began in the 500s in the form of Gregorian Chants and Organum (singing a melody at different pitches at the same time). During this early period, classical music was very connected to the church, and it stayed this way until the 1400s when the Renaissance time began. For the next 200 years of the Renaissance era, music was not as connected to the church, so new ideas began to take music into a different direction. This new direction brought about new instruments and instrumental music. The invention of the printing press during this time allowed music to be printed and shared.

The Baroque period (1600-1750) brought us the concerto, canata, oratorio, and the sonata as well as composers like Bach, Handel, and Vivaldi. The Classical period (1750-1820) added the woodwind section to the orchestra, and composers like Mozart, Beethoven, and Hayden used this new section as they wrote their symphonies. Then during the last period of classical music, the Romantic period (1820-1910), music was more expressive and emotional as the brass and woodwind sections of the orchestra grew with music of Chopin, Tchaikovsky, and Brahams.

So take today to play some classical music by your favorite composer. I especially enjoy Beethoven’s music. Do you enjoy classical music? Who is your favorite composer? Let us know!

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